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For the well-being of our children, our young people and our families

For the well-being of our children, our young people and our families

As part of Family Violence Prevention Month, the Alberta Family Youth Alliance (AJFAS), in collaboration with Alberta Children’s Services, invites you to participate in the Community Forum it hosts on Saturday, November 23, 2019 at the Grand Salon at Campus Saint-Jean, University of Alberta, 8406 rue Marie-Anne Gaboury (91st Street), from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm on the theme: For the well-being of our children, our young people and our families.
In fact, family violence hurts everyone. That’s why the provincial government put in place a policy framework to stop it.
The goal of this Community Forum is to raise awareness in the community; by popularizing the Law on Strengthening Children, Youth and the Family and at the same time encouraging a real dialogue. This will be an opportunity for exchanges with representatives of the public authority, government and community agencies and other community members working in the various sectors related to children, youth and the family.
The languages ​​of the event will be English and French.
Please confirm your participation before November 11, 2019. To do so, please do not hesitate to contact us at 780-440-2621 or by email at info@ajfas.ca
We look forward to welcoming you to this event and we thank you in advance for your presence.