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CAMP E.L.A 2021

Alliance Jeunesse et Famille de l’Alberta Society (AJFAS) is pleased to announce the organization of its summer camp: Children and Leadership in Action (ELA) 2021, which will take place this year from July 05 to 30, 2021. The chosen theme is: LONG LIVE DIVERSITY !

This program in French, intended for children aged 6 to 12, aims to develop leadership qualities with this clientele and encourage vocations in certain fields such as theater, dance, music, drawing and others. It is a unique opportunity that allows children to have wonderful times during the day and return home at night, with many stories to tell parents and family. This year, we will be located on the site:

Avonmore School, located at 7835 76 Ave NW.
Days: Monday to Friday
Time: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
The registration fee is $ 120 per child.

The camp will take place in strict accordance with the directives of both provincial and federal health authorities. Due to current health restrictions, we will not be able to offer snacks to children. Parents will need to take care of it and make sure their children have a bottle of water to drink. We will organize a virtual information meeting with parents who have registered their children on Zoom on Saturday, July 3, from 1:00 p.m. to 1400. The Zoom link will be sent to you later.

For payment, you can make your check payable to Alliance Jeunesse-Famille de l’Alberta Society or pay cash at the AJFAS office or send an email to alice.musele@ajfas.ca.

*** To register your children, please complete the attached registration form and return it with your payment to the AJFAS office by June 30, 2021. Places are limited. First comers will be first served.

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact Miss Alice M. or Mr. Robert Suraki Watum at 780-440-2621 or by email: alice.musele@ajfas.ca or robert.suraki@ajfas.ca.